
Buffalo Environmental Law Journal

First Page


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In Copyright


This is an updated version of a report originally released in May, 1994, which was prepared in cooperation with Richard M. Tobe, Erie County Commissioner of Environment and Planning. The authors were members of the Spring, 1994 Environment and Development seminar. This updated version is still in the form of a report. A fuller historical and analytical treatment of many of the issues presented here can be found in the forthcoming article, Comment, Urban Decay and the Role of Superfund: Legal Barriers to Redevelopment and the Prospects for Change, 43 BuFF.L.RBv. _ (1995), written by Julia A. Solo, one of the authors of this report. We want to acknowledge substantial contributions made to this report by earlier drafts of that article. We received many helpful comments on drafts of the original report and particularly wish to thank Barry Boyer, Peter Pitegoff, John Sheffer and Rich Tobe.
