The DC@UB Law Faculty Contributions to Books collection includes information on books, book chapters, encyclopedia entries and other contributions published in books by all current and emeritus University at Buffalo School of Law faculty members. Links to purchase books are included where the books are still in print. Full text chapters are included where publisher policies permit their inclusion.
Legal Developments in the Electronic Securities Markets: Online Trading Systems and the Use of Websites for Offshore Internet Offers
David A. Westbrook, Brandon Becker, and Lyle Roberts
Published as Chapter 22 in Securities Law & The Internet 1998: Doing Business In a Rapidly Changing Marketplace, Stephen J. Schulte, Michelle C. Wallach & Brandon Becker, eds.
Online Trading: Issuers, Broker-Dealers and SROs
Brandon Becker, David A. Westbrook, and Soo J. Yim
Published in Securities in the Electronic Age: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation, John F. Olson, Harvey L. Pitt & Glasser LegalWorks, eds.
Some Preliminary Remarks on the Nature of the Tibetan Legal System from the Perspective of Comparative Law
Rebecca Redwood French
Published in Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995, Helmut Krasser, Michael Torsten Much, Ernst Steinkellner & Helmut Tauscher, eds.
Fear of Feminism: The Media Debate about Victims and Violence on College Campuses
Martha T. McCluskey
Published as Chapter 6 in Feminism, Media and the Law, Martha A. Fineman & Martha T. McCluskey, eds.
Organizational and Legal Challenges for Ecosystem Management
Errol E. Meidinger
Published in Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century: The Science of Ecosystem Management, Kathryn A. Kohm & Jerry F. Franklin, eds.
This article attempts to clarify the central organizational and legal challenges confronting efforts to establish ecosystem-based management of natural resources in the U.S. It first summarizes the general organizational requirements of ecosystem management, including coordinated information gathering and analysis, coordinated management, and social learning and adaptation. Next it describes the overall structure of land ownership in the US and the primary kinds of legal mandates under which land managers operate. It argues that the ideal of ecosystem management is too general and discretionary to be translated directly into a legal mandate, and that therefore ecosystem management must be understood as dependent on the interactions of many legal and institutional factors. It then describes alternative models of organizational management available to land holders, including various forms of bureaucratic, matrix, project oriented, and loosely coupled organization. Finally it reviews several specific kinds of laws, including public land management statutes, administrative laws, antitrust laws, and takings law, that are likely to have significant effects on efforts to undertake ecosystem management. The article concludes that while existing laws need not prevent the emergence of ecosystem management, they are likely to make it difficult. Creative strategies and a certain amount of risk taking will be necessary in the near term. It will probably take a long time for the laws to adapt to the changed organizational relationships required by ecosystem management.
Kindred and Kin: One Story from a Seminar on Literature and Law
Judy Scales-Trent
Published in Beyond Portia: Women, Law and Literature in the United States, Jacqueline St. Joan & Annette Bennington McElhiney, eds.
Labor – Free or Coerced? An Historical Reassessment of Differences and Similarities
Robert J. Steinfeld and Stanley L. Engerman
Published in Free and Unfree Labour: The Debate Continues, Tom Brass & Marcel van der Linden, eds.
Critical Legal Studies
Guyora Binder
Published in Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Dennis Patterson, ed.
The Pharmaceutical Industry and Women's Reproductive Health: The Perils of Ignoring Risk and Blaming Women
Lucinda M. Finley
Published in Corporate Victimization of Women, Elizabeth Szockyj & James G. Fox, eds.
Law and Anthropology
Rebecca Redwood French
Published in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Dennis Patterson, ed.
Tibetan Legal Literature: The Law Codes of the dGa’ldan pho brang
Rebecca Redwood French
Published in Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, José Ignacio Cabezon & Roger Jackson, eds.
Limitations on Religious Rights: Problematizing Religious Freedom in the African Context
Makau wa Mutua
Published in Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Legal Perspectives, Johan D. van der Vyver, John Witte & Jr., eds.
The piece argues that the two messianic faiths - Christianity and Islam - are driven by proselytizing impulses that have violated the cultural integrity and humanity of Africans. The conscious, willful, and planned displacement of African religions goes beyond the legitimate bounds of religious advocacy and violates the human rights of Africans. This orchestrated process of the vilification and demonization of African religions represents more than just an attack on the religious freedoms of Africans - it is an act of cultural genocide and a repudiation of the humanity of Africans.
The Role of Law and Union Organizing: Thoughts on the United States and Canada
James B. Atleson
Published in Unions and public policy :the new economy, law, and democratic politics, Lawrence G. Flood, ed.
The Fired Football Coach (Or, How Trial Courts Make Policy)
Lynn M. Mather
Published as Chapter 8 in Contemplating Courts, Lee Epstein, ed.
Sandra Day O'Connor
Elizabeth B. Mensch and Alan David Freeman
Published in The Justices of the United States Supreme Court: Their Lives and Major Opinions, Leon Friedman & Fred L. Israel, eds.
Law Schools and James C. Carter
James A. Wooten
Published in Encyclopedia of New York City, Kenneth T. Jackson, ed.
Reframing "Domestic Violence": Terrorism in the Home
Isabel Marcus
Published in The Public Nature of Private Violence, Martha Albertson Fineman, ed.
Building Human Rights Institutions in Emerging Democracies in Africa
Makau wa Mutua
Published in 国際化と人権 : 日本の国際化と世界人権体制の創造 / Kokusaika to jinken : Nihon no kokusaika to sekai jinken taisei no sōzō [Understanding Human Rights in the Context of Japan’s Growing Internationalism: Creating a Better Human Rights Regime in a Changing World], Takehiko Yamamoto, Yasunobu Fujiwara & Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, eds.
U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Africa: Building Democracy through Popular Participation
Makau wa Mutua
Published in U.S. Foreign Policy: An Africa Agenda, William Minter, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, Africa Office, Washington Office on Africa & Africa Policy Information Center (Washington, D.C.), eds.
Adirondack Park Land Use and Management: Procedures and Forms
Robert I. Reis
Published in Warren's Weed New York Real Property, William X. Weed, Oscar Le Roy Warren & Lorraine Power Tharp, eds. (1994 update)
Compound Discrimination - The Intersection of Race and Gender
Judy Scales-Trent
Published in Employment Discrimination Law and Litigation, Merrick T. Rossein, ed. (1994 update).
Wartime Labor Regulation, The Industrial Pluralists, and the Law of Collective Bargaining
James B. Atleson
Published as Chapter 7 in Industrial Democracy in America: The Ambiguous Promise, Nelson Lichtenstein & Howell John Harris, eds.
Law in the Domains of Everyday Life: The Construction of Community and Difference
David M. Engel
Published in Law in Everyday Life, Austin Sarat & Thomas R. Kearns, eds.
The Substantive Rights and United States Law
David B. Filvaroff
Published in United States Ratification of the International Covenants on Human Rights, Hurst Hannum & Dana D. Fischer, eds.