"Fostering Community: The Library as a Third Space and the Effect of So" by B. Austin Waters 10.1080/0270319X.2023.2216128">

Fostering Community: The Library as a Third Space and the Effect of Social Capital on the Flow of Information among Law Students

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Social capital is a way of viewing group relationships and the flow of information. Like many other types of students, law students have their own particular groups that affect how and when they interact with the library and how they seek out information. Because of these group dynamics law students may find it difficult to come to librarians when they need help. Positioning the library as a third space, and librarians as third people, is one way to build connections with students and build a community where students feel comfortable using the library. This article discusses the concept of social capital and group dynamics, third spaces, and the various ways librarians can build the library community to be open to all students through outreach, programming, and social media.

Publication Title

Legal Reference Services Quarterly

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