Buffalo Law Review: The Docket | Law Journals | University at Buffalo School of Law
The Docket is an online extension of the Buffalo Law Review designed to promote scholarly legal discourse. To that end, the Editorial Board of the Buffalo Law Review invites members of the legal community to submit short responses to articles recently published in the Review. In addition to showcasing such response pieces, The Docket provides a platform for authors to respond to pieces published in other journals, or to publish shorter original works, such as essays. By extending the dialogue beyond the four corners of our printed pages, we hope that The Docket will serve as a platform for furthering legal discussion. Responses selected for publication will be professionally edited by the staff of the Buffalo Law Review and permanently available on our website.


Submissions from 2023


Why Law Isn’t Jazz: A Response, James A. Gardner

Submissions from 2019


Employee Mobility and The Low Wage Worker: The Illegitimate Use of Non-Compete Agreements, Jacqueline A. Carosa


The Time In Between: A Response to A Theory of Civil Problem-Solving Courts, Daniel M. Coble

Submissions from 2016


Linking Law and Life: Justice Sotomayor’s Judicial Voice, Laura Krugman Ray

Submissions from 2015


To Protect The Shield: Combatting Domestic Violence in the NFL, Helen A. Drew

Submissions from 2012


Commentary: Pleau-Sharing, Jonah J. Horwitz


Meaningful Information, Meaningful Retention, Jordan M. Singer

Submissions from 2010


Pedagogy and Critique: Values and Assumptions in the Law School Classroom, Richard Michael Fischl


New York’s Inbred Judiciary: Pathologies of Nomination and Appointment of Court of Appeals Judges, James A. Gardner