Submissions from 2017
The Political Economy of Celebrity Rights, Mark Bartholomew
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution, James A. Gardner
Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and Global Environmental Governance: The Case of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Errol E. Meidinger
Unicorns, Guardians, and the Concentration of the U.S. Equity Markets, David A. Westbrook and Amy Westbrook
Submissions from 2015
Labor Market Institutions and Redistributive Voting, Matthew Dimick
The Political Economy of Risk and Ideology, Matthew Dimick and Daniel Stegmueller
Submissions from 2014
The Altruistic Rich? Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences for Redistribution, Matthew Dimick
Submissions from 2012
What Do Labor Laws Do?, Matthew Dimick
Submissions from 2008
Restoring Justice to Civil Rights Movement Activists?: New Historiography and the “Long Civil Rights Era”, Athena D. Mutua
Transitional Justice in Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Makau W. Mutua
An Oblique Perspective, Perhaps, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 2006
The Time of Faith: Contemporary Muslims, Secularists, and Anxieties over the Nature of History, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 1990
The Emergence of Nonprofit Legal Education in New York: A Case Study of the Economic Theory of Nonprofit Organizations, James A. Wooten