The Time of Faith: Contemporary Muslims, Secularists, and Anxieties over the Nature of History
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My idea is simple: much of the current tension between Muslims and non-Muslims, particularly but not exclusively in Europe, is formed by and around different ideas about the nature of human history. To discuss this simple, but perhaps somewhat elusive, idea, I want to use three things: a recently notorious text, and two caricatures, or what we might more politely and following Weber refer to as ideal-types. I believe we will find that focusing on historical imaginations presents questions of considerable intellectual interest, and even, perhaps, opportunities for political and social rapprochement.
Publication Title
Buffalo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2006-010
Recommended Citation
David A. Westbrook,
The Time of Faith: Contemporary Muslims, Secularists, and Anxieties over the Nature of History,
Buffalo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2006-010
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