Submissions from 2018
Democratizing Interpretation, Anya Bernstein
Unusual: The Death Penalty for Inadvertent Killing, Guyora Binder, Brenner Fissell, and Robert Weisberg
Law's Underdog: A Call for Nonhuman Legalities, Irus Braverman
Renouncing Citizenship as Protest: Reflections by a Jewish Israeli Ethnographer, Irus Braverman
Saving Species, One Individual at a Time: Zoo Veterinarians Between Welfare and Conservation, Irus Braverman
The Impact of International Lawyer Organizations on Lawyer Regulation, Leslie C. Braverman, Lynn M. Mather, and Leny de Groot-van Leeuwen
Judicial Elections, Public Opinion, and Decisions on Lower-Salience Issues, Brandice Canes-Wrone, Tom S. Clark, and Amy Semet
Comparative Analysis as an Antidote to Tunnel Vision in Criminal Law Reform: The Example of Complicity, Luis E. Chiesa
Mens Rea in Comparative Perspective, Luis E. Chiesa
The Model Penal Code, Mass Incarceration, and the Racialization of American Criminal Law, Luis E. Chiesa
Legal Consciousness in Asia—Editors’ Note to Special Issue, Lynette J. Chua and David M. Engel
Models of Other-Regarding Preferences and Redistribution, Matthew Dimick, David Rueda, and Daniel Stegmueller
Wilfrid J. Waluchow: el positivismo incluyente y el constitucionalismo del “árbol vivo” [Wilfrid J. Waluchow: Inclusive Legal Positivism and the Understanding of Constitutionalism in The Living Three], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Immigration and Naturalization, Kevin J. Fandl, Nicole Hallett, Christina J. Martin, Sabrina Damast, Amelia Steadman McGowan, and Christopher N. Lasch
Post-Liberal Constitutionalism, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Active Judicial Governance, James A. Gardner
The Theory and Practice of Contestatory Federalism, James A. Gardner
The #Buffalo 25 and the New Era of Immigration Enforcement, Nicole Hallett
The Problem of Wage Theft, Nicole Hallett
Secret Law, Jonathan Manes
The Income Elasticity of Global Values of a Statistical Life: Stated Preference Evidence, Clayton J. Masterman and W. Kip Viscusi
Are We Economic Engines Too? Precarity, Productivity, and Gender, Martha T. McCluskey
Defining the Economic Pie, Not Dividing or Maximizing It, Martha T. McCluskey
Forum Selection Clauses and Consumer Contracts in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
Parallel Enforcement and Agency Interdependence, Anthony O'Rourke
Taking the Public out of Public Lands: Shifts in Coal-Extraction Policies in the Trump Administration, Jessica Owley
Unforeseen Land Uses: The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on Land Conservation Programs, Jessica Owley
Climate Change Challenges for Land Conservation: Rethinking Conservation Easements, Strategies, and Tools, Jessica Owley, Federico Cheever, Adena R. Rissman, M. Rebecca Shaw, Barton H. Thompson Jr., and W. William Weeks
Understanding the Complicated Landscape of Civil War Monuments, Jessica Owley and Jess Phelps
To Dress for Dinner: Teaching Law in a Bureaucratic Age, John Henry Schlegel
How to Think Constitutionally About Prerogative: A Study of Early American Usage, Matthew J. Steilen
The Security Court, Matthew J. Steilen
Making Room for Children: A Response to Professor Estin on Immigration and Child Welfare, Rick Su
An analysis of the Treaty Establishing the East African Community, Mihreteab Tsighe Taye
Unicorns, Guardians, and the Concentration of the U.S. Equity Markets, Amy Deen Westbrook and David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 2017
Beyond Zero-Sum Environmentalism, Shalanda Baker, Robin Kundis Craig, John C. Dernbach, Keith H. Hirokawa, Sarah Krakoff, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon M. Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J. B. Ruhl, James Salzman, Inara Scott, and David Takacs
A Silent Struggle: Constitutional Violations Against the Hearing Impaired in New York State Prisons, Farina Barth
Exorcising the Clergy Privilege, Christine P. Bartholomew
Before Interpretation, Anya Bernstein
Bureaucratic Speech: Language Choice and Democratic Identity in the Taipei Bureaucracy, Anya Bernstein
Capital Punishment of Unintentional Felony Murder, Guyora Binder, Brenner Fissell, and Robert Weisberg
Penal Incapacitation: A Situationist Critique, Guyora Binder and Ben Notterman
Anticipating Endangerment: The Biopolitics of Threatened Species Lists, Irus Braverman
Bleached! The Catastrophe Management of Corals, Irus Braverman
Captive: Zoometric Operations in Gaza, Irus Braverman
Nature as Spectacle, Irus Braverman
Enhancing Conservation Options: An Argument for Statutory Recognition of Options to Purchase Conservation Easements (OPCEs), Federico Cheever and Jessica Owley
Solving the Riddle of Rape by Deception, Luis E. Chiesa
Better than Basic Income? Liberty, Equality, and the Regulation of Working Time, Matthew Dimick
The Altruistic Rich? Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences for Redistribution, Matthew Dimick, David Rueda, and Daniel Stegmueller
Is Buddhist Law "Sophisticated"?: Editor's Introduction, Rebecca Redwood French
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution, James A. Gardner
Mineral Estate Conservation Easements: A New Policy Instrument to Address Hydraulic Fracturing and Resource Extraction, Robert B. Jackson, Jessica Owley, and James Salzman
Compensatory Women's Rights Legal Education in Eastern Europe: The Women's Human Rights Training Institute, Isabel Marcus
Introduction: The Effects of Selection Method on Public Officials, Clayton J. Masterman
Judicial Supremacy in Comparative Constitutional Law, Manoj Mate
Constitutional Economic Justice: Structural Power for "We the People", Martha T. McCluskey
You’re It! Tag Jurisdiction Over Corporations in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
The International Criminal Court: Promise and Politics, Makau wa Mutua
The Richardson Escuela: Law as Politics, Makau wa Mutua
One Small Step for Wisconsin, One Giant Leap Backwards for the Remaining Transgender Inmates, Pamela Newell
Semantic Vagueness and Extrajudicial Constitutional Decisionmaking, Anthony O'Rourke
Public Access to Spatial Data on Private-Land Conservation, Jessica Owley
Exploiting Conservation Lands: Can Hydrofracking Be Consistent with Conservation Easements?, Jessica Owley and Collin Doane
The Josiah Philips Attainder and the Institutional Structure of the American Revolution, Matthew J. Steilen
Have Cities Abandoned Home Rule?, Rick Su
Anchoring Biases in International Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life, W. Kip Viscusi and Clayton J. Masterman
Income Elasticities and Global Values of a Statistical Life, W. Kip Viscusi and Clayton J. Masterman
Prolegomenon to a Defense of the City of Gold, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 2016
The Most Loved, Most Hated Magazine in America: The Rise and Demise of Confidential Magazine, Samantha Barbas
The Failed Superiority Experiment, Christine P. Bartholomew
Twiqbal in Context, Christine P. Bartholomew
Differentiating Deference, Anya Bernstein
Is Assisted Procreation an LGBT Right?, Michael Boucai
Biopolarity: Coral Scientists Between Hope and Despair, Irus Braverman
The Pet Keeping Industry in the American City, Irus Braverman
Consent, Coercion, and Bankruptcy Administration, S. Todd Brown
Enhancing Conservation Options: An Argument for Statutory Recognition of Options to Purchase Conservation Easements (OPCEs), Federico Cheever and Jessica Owley
Animal Rights Unraveled: Why Abolitionism Collapses into Welfarism and What it Means for Animal Ethics, Luis E. Chiesa
Should the Law Do Anything About Economic Inequality?, Matthew Dimick
Wage-Setting Institutions and Corporate Governance, Matthew Dimick and Neel Rao
Blood Curse and Belonging in Thailand: Law, Buddhism, and Legal Consciousness, David M. Engel
Opportunities for Law's Intellectual History, Mark Fenster and John Henry Schlegel
Editor's Introduction, Rebecca Redwood French
Justice Brennan and the Foundations of Human Rights Federalism, James A. Gardner
Practice-Driven Changes to Constitutional Structures of Governance, James A. Gardner
Distinctive Identity Claims in Federal Systems: Judicial Policing of Subnational Variance, Antoni Abat i Ninet and James A. Gardner
The Customer Is Not Always Right: Balancing Worker and Customer Welfare in Antitrust Law, Clayton J. Masterman
Globalization, Rights and Judicial Review in the Supreme Court of India, Manoj Mate
India's Participatory Model: The Right to Information in Election Law, Manoj Mate
Is Law Inside or Out? And Why Does It Matter?, Lynn M. Mather
Framing Middle-Class Insecurity: Tax and the Ideology of Unequal Economic Growth, Martha T. McCluskey
Law and Economics: Contemporary Approaches, Martha T. McCluskey, Frank A. Pasquale III, and Jennifer Taub
Whose Law of Personal Jurisdiction? The Choice of Law Problem in the Recognition of Foreign Judgments, Tanya J. Monestier
Mazrui and Barkan: A Tribute, Makau W. Mutua
Africa and the Rule of Law, Makau wa Mutua
All in the Family: A Legacy of Public Service and Engagement - Edward and Thomas Fairchild, R. Nils Olsen Jr.
Trends in Private Land Conservation: Increasing Complexity, Shifting Conservation Purposes and Allowable Private Land Uses, Jessica Owley and Adena R. Rissman
Telling Refugee Stories: Trauma, Credibility, and the Adversarial Adjudication of Claims for Asylum, Stephen Paskey
Mindfulness in Education: Tools for Effective Conflict Resolution, Stephanie Phillips