Submissions from 2011
American Legal Theory and American Legal Education: A Snake Swallowing Its Tail?, John Henry Schlegel
The Democratic Common Law, Matthew J. Steilen
Police Discretion and Local Immigration Policymaking, Rick Su
Pirate Trials, the International Criminal Court and Mob Justice: Reflections on Postcolonial Sovereignty in Kenya, Mateo Taussig-Rubbo
Angustia, Disciplina, Esperanca [written as Anxiety, Hope, Discipline: Economic Crisis as Portugal’s Opportunity], David A. Westbrook
If Not a Commercial Republic? Political Economy in the United States After Citizens United, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 2010
Normalizing Trepidation and Anxiety, Christine P. Bartholomew and Johanna Oreskovic
Advertising and Social Identity, Mark Bartholomew
Foreword: Advertising and the Law, Mark Bartholomew
A Crime to Live Without Work: Free Labor and Marginal Workers in Industrial Chicago, 1870-1920, Joel E. Black
Governing with Clean Hands: Automated Public Toilets and Sanitary Surveillance, Irus Braverman
Hidden in Plain View: Legal Geography from a Visual Perspective, Irus Braverman
Zoo Registrars: A Bewildering Bureaucracy, Irus Braverman
Autores y Cooperadores, Luis E. Chiesa
Beyond Torture: The Nemo Tenetur Principle in Borderline Cases, Luis E. Chiesa
Justicia y “Fairness” en el Proceso Penal [Justice and Fairness in the Criminal Process], Luis E. Chiesa
Navigating Tricky Ethical Shoals in Environmental Law: Parameters of Counseling and Managing Clients, Kim Diana Connolly
Revitalizing Union Democracy: Labor Law, Bureaucracy, and Workplace Association, Matthew Dimick
Lumping as Default in Tort Cases: The Cultural Interpretation of Injury and Causation, David M. Engel
Anti-Regulatory Absolutism in the Campaign Arena: Citizens United and the Implied Slippery Slope, James A. Gardner
New York’s Inbred Judiciary: Pathologies of Nomination and Appointment of Court of Appeals Judges, James A. Gardner
The Dignity of Voters—A Dissent, James A. Gardner
Supervised Independence and Post-Conflict Sovereignty: The Dynamics of Hybridity in Kosovo’s New Constitutional Court, Steven Hill and Paul Linden-Retek
Schooling Congress: The Current Landscape of the Tax Treatment of Higher Education Expenses and a Framework for Reform, Stuart G. Lazar
The Subsidization of Higher Education Expenses: Business Deductions and Tax Incentives; Part 1 – Ordinary and Necessary Business Expenses, Stuart G. Lazar
The Subsidization of Higher Education Expenses: Business Deductions and Tax Incentives; Part 2 – Tax Incentives, Stuart G. Lazar
State Security and Elite Capture: The Implementation of Anti-Terrorist Legislation in India, Manoj Mate and Adnan Naseemullah
How the Biological/Social Divide Limits Disability and Equality, Martha T. McCluskey
Maximum Feasible Participation of the Poor: New Governance, New Accountability, and a 21st Century War on the Sources of Poverty, Tara J. Melish
Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost: Immigration Enforcement's Failed Experiment with Penal Severity, Teresa A. Miller
A “Real and Substantial” Improvement? Van Breda Reformulates the Law of Jurisdiction in Ontario, Tanya J. Monestier
Personal Jurisdiction Over Non-Resident Class Members: Have We Gone Down the Wrong Road?, Tanya J. Monestier
Valuing Difference, Exercising Care in Oz: The Shaggy Man's Welcome, Athena D. Mutua
In Memoriam: Virginia Leary, Makau wa Mutua
Reauthorizing SCHIP: Only a Starting Point, Pamela Newell
Trying a New Way: Barack Obama's Tolerance of Intolerance, Stephanie L. Phillips
Progress, Innovation and Technology: A Delicate "Google" Balance, Robert I. Reis
Women Lawyers, Women’s Rights in Senegal: The Association of Senegalese Women Lawyers, Judy Scales-Trent
Minimalism and Deliberative Democracy: A Closer Look at the Virtues of "Shallowness", Matthew J. Steilen
Immigration as Urban Policy, Rick Su
Local Fragmentation as Immigration Regulation, Rick Su
The Overlooked Significance of Arizona's New Immigration law, Rick Su
Happy Talk and the Stock Market, David A. Westbrook
Tragedy, Law, and Rethinking Our Financial Markets, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 2009
James B. Atleson and the World of Labor Law Scholarship, Dianne Avery and Alfred S. Konefsky
Contributory Infringers and Good Samaritans, Mark Bartholomew
Cops, Robbers, and Search Engines: The Questionable Role of Criminal Law in Contributory Infringement Doctrine, Mark Bartholomew
Copyright, Trademark and Secondary Liability after Grokster, Mark Bartholomew
Loo Law: The Public Washroom as a Hyper-Regulated Space, Irus Braverman
Planting the Promised Landscape: Zionism, Nature, and Resistance in Israel/Palestine, Irus Braverman
Uprooting Identities: The Regulation of Olive Trees in the Occupied West Bank, Irus Braverman
Landscapes of the Law: Injury, Remedy, and Social Change in Thailand, David M. Engel
Principios, Moral y Positivismo Jurídico: Respuestas y Redefinición del Positivismo Contemporáneo [Principles, Morality and Legal Positivism], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
African Wetlands of International Importance: Assessment of Benefits Associated with Designations under the Ramsar Convention, Royal C. Gardner, Kim Diana Connolly, and Abou Bamba
Jack Hyman's Law School without Borders, Thomas E. Headrick
Jack Hyman, Student, Alfred S. Konefsky
Introduction: Unsettling Questions, Disquieting Stories, Mae Kuykendall and David A. Westbrook
Madoff Made Off with Their Money and the IRS Responds to Investors, Stuart G. Lazar
Expanding the P-4 Trade Agreement into a Broader Trans-Pacific Partnership: Implications, Risks and Opportunities, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
The EU's Protectionism Problem, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
Follow the Money: Federal, State, and Local Funding Strategies for Child Welfare Services and the Impact of Local Levies on Adoptions in Ohio, Susan V. Mangold and Catherine Cerulli
From Paradox to Subsidiarity: The United States and Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Tara J. Melish
Introductory Note to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Tara J. Melish
A Historical Overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Pamela Newell
The Dean, R. Nils Olsen
The Sony Legacy: Secondary Liability Perspectives, Robert I. Reis
For Peter, with Love, John Henry Schlegel
One Less Note to Answer, John Henry Schlegel
On the Many Flavors of Capitalism or Reflections on Schumpeter's Ghost, John Henry Schlegel
Parental Rights and the State Regulation of Religious Schools, Matthew J. Steilen
Outsourcing Sacrifice: The Labor of Private Military Contractors, Mateo Taussig-Rubbo
Submissions from 2008
Advertising and the Transformation of Trademark Law, Mark Bartholomew
The Culpability of Felony Murder, Guyora Binder
Victims and the Significance of Causing Harm, Guyora Binder
"Everybody Loves Trees": Policing American Cities Through Street Trees, Irus Braverman
Governing Certain Things: The Regulation of Street Trees in Four North American Cities, Irus Braverman
"The Tree is the Enemy Soldier:" A Sociolegal Making of War Landscapes in the Occupied West Bank, Irus Braverman
Section 524(g) Without Compromise: Voting Rights and the Asbestos Bankruptcy Paradox, S. Todd Brown
Duress, Demanding Heroism and Proportionality, Luis E. Chiesa
Of Persons and the Criminal Law: (Second Tier) Personhood as a Prerequisite for Victimhood, Luis E. Chiesa
Outsiders Looking In: The American Legal Discourse of Exclusion, Luis E. Chiesa
The Rise of Spanish and Latin American Criminal Theory, Luis E. Chiesa
Why is it a Crime to Stomp on a Goldfish? - Harm, Victimhood and the Structure of Anti-Cruelty Offenses, Luis E. Chiesa
An Overview of Environmental Law Clinics in the United States: Adaptive Ecosystem Management in Action, Kim Diana Connolly
Best Practices for Legal Education: Using Simulations and Other Interactive Teaching Methodologies, Kim Diana Connolly
Ethical Expert Testimony, an Uneasy "Moral Adventure": A Grateful Response, Charles Patrick Ewing
Una visita al debate Hart-Dworkin [Revisiting the Hart–Dworkin Debate], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
In Search of Sub-National Constitutionalism, James A. Gardner
Constitutionalizing Class Inequality: Due Process in State Farm, Martha T. McCluskey
Competitive Supragovernmental Regulation: How Could It Be Democratic?, Errol E. Meidinger
A New Look at Neo-Liberal Economic Policies and the Criminalization of Undocumented Migration, Teresa A. Miller
Lépine v. Canada Post: Ironing Out the Wrinkles in the Inter-provincial Enforcement of Class Judgments, Tanya J. Monestier
Introducing ClassCrits: Rejecting Class-Blindness, A Critical Legal Analysis of Economic Inequity, Athena D. Mutua
Human Rights and Powerlessness: Pathologies of Choice and Substance, Makau Mutua
Human Rights in Africa: The Limited Promise of Liberalism, Makau Mutua
Just Back From the Human Rights Council, Makau Mutua
A Comparison of Child Advocacy Laws in Abuse and Neglect Cases in England and the United States, Pamela Newell
Red Thread or Slender Reed: Deconstructing Prof. Bartholet's Mythology of International Adoption, Johanna Oreskovic and Trish Maskew