Submissions from 2008
Rights and Remedies Post eBay v. MercExchange - Deep Waters Stirred, Robert I. Reis
Drawing Back from the Abyss, or Lessons Learned from Count von Count, John Henry Schlegel
Eighteen or Thirty, But Not Twenty-Two, John Henry Schlegel
On The Many Flavors of Capitalism or Reflections on Schumpeter's Ghost, John Henry Schlegel
There May or May Not Be Blood: Why the Eighth Amendment Prohibition against Executing the Insane Requires a Definitive Standard, Robert A. Stark
A Localist Reading of Local Immigration Regulations, Rick Su
Notes on the Multiple Facets of Immigration Federalism, Rick Su
A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 3, James A. Wooten
Submissions from 2007
Branded: Corporate Image, Sexual Stereotyping, and the New Face of Capitalism, Dianne Avery and Marion Crain
Advertising in the Garden of Eden, Mark Bartholomew
Aesthetic Judgment and Legal Justification, Guyora Binder
"Balancing Your Strengths against Your Felonies": Considerations for Military Recruitment of Ex-Offenders, Michael Boucai
Powers of Illegality: House Demolitions and Resistance in East Jerusalem, Irus Braverman
The Place of Translation in Jerusalem's Criminal Trial Court, Irus Braverman
Non-Pecuniary Interests and the Injudicious Limits of Appellate Standing in Bankruptcy, S. Todd Brown
Mujeres Maltratadas y Legítima Defensa: La Experiencia Anglosajona, Luis E. Chiesa
Normative Gaps in the Criminal Law: A Reasons Theory of Wrongdoing, Luis E. Chiesa
Taking Victims Seriously: A Dworkinian Theory of Punishment, Luis E. Chiesa
Can Happy Subjects Have an Enlightened Despot? Customer Satisfaction Among Army Corps Permit Applicants, Kim Diana Connolly
Survey Says: Army Corps No Scalian Despot, Kim Diana Connolly
Religiosity and the Invocation of Law in the Conversation with the Dalai Lama, David M. Engel
Narrative, Disability, and Identity, David M. Engel and Frank W. Munger
An Introduction to the Conference with the Dalai Lama on Law, Buddhism, and Social Change, Rebecca R. French
The Dalai Lama Speaks on Law, Rebecca R. French
Deliberation or Tabulation? The Self-Undermining Constitutional Architecture of Election Campaigns, James A. Gardner
What is "Fair" Partisan Representation, and How Can It Be Constitutionalized? The Case for a Return to Fixed Election Districts, James A. Gardner
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Assessment of International Designations within the United States, Royal C. Gardner and Kim Diana Connolly
Remembering Louis Del Cotto, Kenneth F. Joyce
WTO Winners and Losers: The Trade and Development Disconnect, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
Poor Enough to Be Eligible? Child Abuse, Neglect, and the Poverty Requirement, Susan Vivian Mangold
The U.N. Disability Convention: Historic Process, Strong Prospects and Why the U.S. Should Ratify, Tara J. Melish
A “Real and Substantial” Mess: The Law of Jurisdiction in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
The Act Requirement as a Basic Concept of Criminal Law, Francisco Muñoz-Conde and Luis E. Chiesa
Beyond Juba: Does Uganda Need a National Truth and Reconciliation Process?, Makau Mutua
Change in the Human Rights Universe, Makau Mutua
Standard Setting in Human Rights: Critique and Prognosis, Makau wa Mutua
Anti-Exclusionary Zoning in Pennsylvania: A Weapon for Developers, a Loss for Low-Income Pennsylvanians, Katrin Rowan
A Damn Hard Thing to Do, John Henry Schlegel
CLS Wasn't Killed by a Question, John Henry Schlegel
The Bar Examination, Tony W. Torain, Jo Anne Simon, Melinda Saran, and Barbara Hergenroeder
Notes Toward a Theory of the Executive Class, David A. Westbrook
Strategic Consequences of Radical Islamic Neofundamentalism, David A. Westbrook
A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 2, James A. Wooten
Discussing Islam in the Post-9/11 Epistemological Terrain, Seval Yildirim
Submissions from 2006
CALI Lessons in Legal Research Courses: Alternatives to Reading About Research, Elizabeth G. Adelman
The Secret Life of Legal Doctrine: The Divergent Evolution of Secondary Liability in Trademark and Copyright Law, Mark Bartholomew and John Tehranian
Illegality in East Jerusalem: Between House Demolitions and Resistance (Hebrew), Irus Braverman
Forest Certification in Developing and Transitioning Countries: Part of a Sustainable Future?, Benjamin Cashore, Fred Gale, Errol Meidinger, and Deanna Newsom
El Caso del Padre Amado: La Tortura en el Mundo Post-9/11, Luis E. Chiesa and Sigfrido Steidel Figueroa
La Catástrofe de los Delitos de Riesgo Catastrófico, Luis E. Chiesa and Jorge L. San Miguel
Bridging the Divide: Examining the Role of the Public Trust in Protecting Coastal and Wetland Resources, Kim Diana Connolly
Shifting Interests: Rethinking the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permitting Process and Public Interest Review in Light of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Kim Diana Connolly
Foreword: Representation Without Party: Lessons from State Constitutional Attempts to Control Gerrymandering, James A. Gardner
Intellectual Vocations in the City of Gold, Douglas R. Holmes, George Marcus, and David A. Westbrook
Foreword, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
The Lack of Dissent in WTO Dispute Settlement, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
Trade Special Issue: Foreword, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
The Substantive Politics of Formal Corporate Power, Martha T. McCluskey
The Administrative Law of Global Private-Public Regulation: the Case of Forestry, Errol E. Meidinger
Rethinking the "Less as More" Thesis: Supranational Litigation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Americas, Tara J. Melish
Democracy and Virtue: Optimism or Faith?, Elizabeth B. Mensch
Managing After a Disaster: or There and Back Again, James G. Milles
Redefining Open Access for the Legal Information Market, James G. Milles
Gender Equality and Women's Solidarity Across Religious, Ethnic and Class Difference in the Kenyan Constitutional Review Process, Athena D. Mutua
The Rise, Development and Future Directions of Critical Race Theory and Related Scholarship, Athena D. Mutua
The Iraq Paradox: Minority and Group Rights in a Viable Constitution, Makau Mutua
Characteristics and Land Use of Contaminated Brownfield Properties in Voluntary Cleanup Agreement Programs, G.W. W. Page and Robert S. Berger
Introduction, John Henry Schlegel
Free Wage Labor and The Suffrage in Nineteenth Century England, Robert J. Steinfeld
Bin Laden's War, David A. Westbrook
Galanter v. Weber, David A. Westbrook
The Globalization of American Law, David A. Westbrook
Theorizing the Diffusion of Law: Conceptual Difficulties, Unstable Imaginations, and the Effort to Think Gracefully Nonetheless, David A. Westbrook
A Legislative and Political History of ERISA Preemption, Part 1, James A. Wooten
Empowering the Human in Human Rights Discourse, Seval Yildirim
Submissions from 2005
Making a Mark in the Internet Economy: A Trademark Analysis of Search Engine Advertising, Mark Bartholomew
A Legal Remedy for Homophobia: Finding a Cure in the International Right to Health, Michael Boucai
Caught in a Web of Ignorances: How Black Americans are Denied Equal Protection of the Laws, Michael Boucai
Los Dogmas del Nuevo Código Penal: ¿Por qué Enmendarlo y Cómo Hacerlo?, Luis E. Chiesa
The Ecology of Breastfeeding, Kim Diana Connolly
Globalization and the Decline of Legal Consciousness: Torts, Ghosts, and Karma in Thailand, David M. Engel
Democracy Without a Net? Separation of Powers and the Idea of Self-Sustaining Constitutional Constraints on Undemocratic Behavior, James A. Gardner
Giving the Gift of Public Office, James A. Gardner
Whose Constitution Is It? Why Federalism and Constitutional Positivism Don't Mix, James A. Gardner
Foreword: The New Frontier of State Constitutional Law, James A. Gardner and Jim Rossi
Researching Georgia Law, Nancy P. Johnson, Nancy J. Adams, and Elizabeth G. Adelman
Comments on Luke Nottage's Paper, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
Good News for New Zealand Wineries? The Potential Impact of Granholm v Heald, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
The Free Trade Agreement Paradox, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
How Equality Became Elitist: The Cultural Politics of Economics from the Court to the "Nanny Wars", Martha T. McCluskey
A Pyrrhic Victory for Peru's Pensioners: Pensions, Property and the Perversion of Progressivity, Tara J. Melish
Blurring the Boundaries Between Immigration and Crime Control after Sept. 11th, Teresa A. Miller
Foreign Judgments at Common Law: Rethinking the Enforcement Rules, Tanya J. Monestier
The Writ of Habeas Corpus and the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Addressing an Unforeseen Problem in the Establishment of a Hybrid Court, Anthony O'Rourke
Property Characteristics of Contaminated Land in Environmental Cleanup Programs in New York State, G. William Page and Robert S. Berger
Make-Believe Families and Whiteness, Judy Scales-Trent
Unfortunately, White-Collar Is the Default Setting: Boys and Higher Education, John Henry Schlegel
Introduction, David A. Westbrook