Submissions from 1994
Introducing a Feminist Pioneer in Judicial Politics: Beverly Blair Cook, Lynn Mather
Lawyers, Mediation, and the Management of Divorce Practice, Craig A. McEwen, Lynn M. Mather, and Richard J. Maiman
Beyond Informed Consent, Anthony H. Szczygiel
Liberal Environmental Jurisprudence, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 1993
Gender Stereotypes, Picket Line Violence, and the "Law" of Strike Misconduct Cases, Dianne Avery
Did the Slaves Author the Thirteenth Amendment? An Essay in Redemptive History, Guyora Binder
Post-Totalitarian Politics, Guyora Binder
Building Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Sustainability, Barry B. Boyer
Of Mud, Myths, and Money: A Citizen's Perspective on Contaminated Sediments, Barry B. Boyer
Origin Myths: Narratives of Authority, Resistance, Disability, and Law, David M. Engel
Tort Reform: An Important Issue for Women, Lucinda M. Finley
Leopold J. Pospisil and the Anthropology of Law, Rebecca Redwood French
The Ambiguity of Legal Dreams: A Communitarian Defense of Judicial Restraint, James A. Gardner
What is a State Constitution?, James A. Gardner
Making the Teamsters Safe for Democracy, George Kannar
James W. Ely, Jr.'s The Guardian of Every Other Rights: A Constitutional History of Property Rights, Elizabeth B. Mensch and Alan David Freeman
Islamic International Law and Public International Law: Separate Expressions of World Order, David A. Westbrook
One Among Millions: An American Perspective on Citizenship in Large Polities, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 1992
The Daughters of Job: Property Rights and Women's Lives in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts, Dianne Avery and Alfred S. Konefsky
The Case for Self-Determination, Guyora Binder
The Measurement of Insanity: Debating the Merits of the R-CRAS and Its Alternatives, Charles Patrick Ewing
Discourse and Difference—A Reply to Parness and Cogan, James A. Gardner
The Failed Discourse of State Constitutionalism, James A. Gardner
Expert Policy Analysis and Bureaucratic Politics: Searching for the Causes of the 1987 Stock Market Crash, Thomas E. Headrick
Gender and Specialization in the Practice of Divorce Law, Richard J. Maiman, Lynn M. Mather, and Craig A. McEwen
Privileged Violence, Principled Fantasy, and Feminist Method: The Colby Fraternity Case, Martha T. McCluskey
The Colonial Origins of Liberal Property Rights, Elizabeth B. Mensch
Sameness and Difference in a Law School Classroom: Working at the Crossroads, Judy Scales-Trent
Using Literature in Law School: The Importance of Reading and Telling Stories, Judy Scales-Trent
A Certain Narcissism; A Slight Unseemliness, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1991
Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health: Too Much Ado, Lee A. Albert
What's Left?, Guyora Binder
The Politics of Virtue: Animals, Theology, and Abortion, Elizabeth B. Boyer and Alan Freeman
Law, Culture, and Children with Disabilities: Educational Rights and the Construction of Difference, David M. Engel
Preventive Detention and Execution: The Constitutionality of Punishing Future Crimes., Charles Patrick Ewing
The Positivist Foundations of Originalism: An Account and Critique, James A. Gardner
The Uses and Abuses of Incumbency: People v. Ohrenstein and the Limits of Inherent Legislative Power, James A. Gardner
Building a Community Base for Housing Development in the 1990s: A Modest Proposal for Buffalo, New York, George M. Hezel
Strenuous Virtues, Virtuous Lives: the Social Vision of Antonin Scalia, George Kannar
The Concentration of Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities in the Western New York Community, R. Nils Olsen Jr.
Women of Color and Health: Issues of Gender, Community, and Power, Judy Scales-Trent
Better Than No Teeth at All?, John Henry Schlegel
Revenge, or Moon (Over) Your Law School, John Henry Schlegel
Feminist Jurisprudence: The 1990 Myra Bradwell Day Panel, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Lucinda M. Finley, Carin Clauss, and Joan Bertin
Environmental Policy in the European Community: Observations on the European Environment Agency, David A. Westbrook
Law School Rights: The Establishment of New York Law School, 1891-1897, James A. Wooten
Submissions from 1990
On Hegel, On Slavery, But not on my Head!, Guyora Binder
Litigation Across Space and Time: Courts, Conflict, and Social Change, David M. Engel
Law Students with Disabilities: Removing Barriers in the Law School Community, David M. Engel and Alfred S. Konefsky
Juveniles or Adults? Forensic Assessment of Juveniles Considered for Trial in Criminal Court, Charles Patrick Ewing
Psychological Self-Defense: A Proposed Justification for Battered Women Who Kill., Charles Patrick Ewing
Consent, Legitimacy and Elections: Implementing Popular Sovereignty Under the Lockean Constitution, James A. Gardner
The Constitutional Catechism of Antonin Scalia, George Kannar
Dispute Processing and a Longitudinal Approach to Trial Courts, Lynn M. Mather
Efficiency and Image: Advertising as an Antitrust Issue, Elizabeth B. Mensch and Alan David Freeman
Commonalities: On Being Black and White, Different, and the Same, Judy Scales-Trent
School Desegregation in Buffalo: The Hold of History, Judy Scales-Trent
Women in the Lawyering Process: The Complications of Categories, Judy Scales-Trent
Return to Europe: Integrating Eastern European Economies into the European Market Through Alliance with the European Community, Amy Deen Westbrook and David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 1989
The Legal Community and the Transformation of Disputes: The Settlement of Injunction Actions, James B. Atleson
The Prospects for Labor Law Reform, James B. Atleson
Student and Voter Subjects: Differences in Attitudes Toward Battered Women, Moss Aubrey and Charles Patrick Ewing
Federal Labor Rights and Access to Private Property: The NLRB and the Right to Exclude, Dianne Avery
Mastery, Slavery, and Emancipation, Guyora Binder
Representing Nazism: Advocacy and Identity at the Trial of Klaus Barbie, Guyora Binder
Ultimate Opinion Proscriptions: A Cosmetic Fix and a Plea for Empiricism, Charles Patrick Ewing
A Break in the Silence: Including Women's Issues in a Torts Course, Lucinda M. Finley
Breaking Women's Silence in Law: The Dilemma of the Gendered Nature of Legal Reasoning, Lucinda M. Finley
Womens' Experience in Legal Education: Silencing and Alienation, Lucinda M. Finley
"As Best to Subserve Their Own Interests": Lemuel Shaw, Labor Conspiracy, and Fellow Servants, Alfred S. Konefsky
Locked In and Locked Out: Reflections in the History of Divorce Law Reform in New York State, Isabel Marcus
Looking toward the Future: Feminism and Reproductive Technologies, Isabel Marcus, Rhonda Copelon, Ruth Hubbard, Barbara Katz Rothman, and Barbara Omolade
A Republican Agenda for Hobbesian America?, Elizabeth B. Mensch and Alan Freeman
A Judge Shapes and Manages Institutional Reform: School Desegregation in Buffalo, Judy Scales-Trent
Black Women and the Constitution: Finding our Place, Asserting our Rights, Judy Scales-Trent
Property and Suffrage in the Early American Republic, Robert J. Steinfeld
Submissions from 1988
Images of Violence in Labor Jurisprudence: The Regulation of Picketing and Boycotts, 1894-1921, Dianne Avery
Beyond Criticism, Guyora Binder
The Yig-Tsang Office, Rebecca Redwood French
The Confrontation Clause and the Search for Truth in Criminal Trials, Philip Halpern
Locating the Constitution, Janet S. Lindgren
Locked In and Locked Out: Reflections on the History of Divorce Law Reform in New York State, Isabel Marcus
The 1987 James McCormick Mitchell Lecture—Looking toward the Future: Feminism and Reproductive Technologies, Isabel Marcus, Rhonda Copelon, Ruth Hubbard, Barbara Katz Rothman, and Barbara Omolade
Rethinking Equality and Difference: Disability Discrimination in Public Transportation, Martha T. McCluskey
The Line Between History and Casenote, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1987
On Critical Legal Studies as Guerilla Warfare, Guyora Binder
Law, Time, and Community, David M. Engel
Diagnosing and Treating 'Insanity' on Death Row: Legal and Ethical Perspectives, Charles Patrick Ewing
Juvenile Homicide: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach, Charles Patrick Ewing
The Use of Law for Prevention in the Public Interest, Charles Patrick Ewing
Battered Women and Public Opinion: Some Realities About the Myths, Charles Patrick Ewing and Moss Aubrey
The Public-Private Distinction in American Law and Life, Alan Freeman and Elizabeth Mensch
How to Read, Or at Least Not Misread, Cardozo in the Allegheny College Case, Alfred S. Konefsky
Juvenile and Family Mental Health Law in Sociohistorical Context, Murray Levine, Charles P. Ewing, and Ronald Hager
A Relevant Other: American Constitutional Scholarship, Janet S. Lindgren
Reflections on the Significance of the Sex/Gender System: Divorce Law Reform in New York, Isabel Marcus
Regulatory Culture: A Theoretical Outline, Errol E. Meidinger
Religion, Revival, and the Ruling Class: A Critical History of Trinity Church, Elizabeth B. Mensch
Juvenile Justice Reform in New York State: The Juvenile Offender Law, Simon I. Singer and Charles Patrick Ewing