Submissions from 1999
1998 Presidential Address—Making Connections: Law and Society Researchers and Their Subjects, David M. Engel
Guarding the Gate to the Courthouse: How Trial Judges Are Using Their Evidentiary Screening Role to Remake Tort Causation Rules, Lucinda M. Finley
From Yoder to Yoda: Traditional, Modern and Postmodern Models of Religion in U.S. Constitutional Law, Rebecca Redwood French
Devolution and the Paradox of Democratic Unresponsiveness, James A. Gardner
Stop Me Before I Quantify Again: The Role of Political Science in the Study of Election Law, James A. Gardner
The Future of Legal Professionalism in Practice, Richard J. Maiman, Craig A. McEwen, and Lynn Mather
Challenging the Parent-Child-State Triangle in Public Family Law: The Importance of Private Providers in the Dependency System, Susan Vivian Mangold
Protection, Privatization and Profit in the Foster Care System, Susan Vivian Mangold
"Private" Environmental Regulation, Human Rights, and Community, Errol E. Meidinger
Shifting Bottoms and Rotating Centers: Reflections on LatCrit III and the Black/White Paradigm, Athena D. Mutua
INGOs as Political Actors, Makau Mutua
Limitations on Religious Rights: Problematizing Religious Freedom in the African Context, Makau wa Mutua
The African Human Rights Court: A Two-Legged Stool?, Makau wa Mutua
The Convergence of the Critical Race Theory Workshop with LatCrit Theory: A History, Stephanie L. Phillips
The Nature of the American Constitution: Is There a Constitutional Right to Vote and Be Represented?, Jeffrey Rosen, James A. Gardner, Gary Peller, Edward Still, and Brenda Wright
African Women in France: Immigration, Family and Work, Judy Scales-Trent
Oppression, Lies, and the Dream of Autonomy, Judy Scales-Trent
Langdell's Auto-da-fé, John Henry Schlegel
Administrative Takings: A Realist Perspective on the Practice and Theory of Regulatory Takings Cases, David A. Westbrook
Submissions from 1998
Confronting Asymmetry: Global Financial Markets and National Regulation, Brandon Becker and David A. Westbrook
Civil Rights and Self-Concept: Life Stories of Law, Disability, and Employment, David M. Engel and Frank W. Munger
Lamas, Oracles, Channels, and the Law: Reconsidering Religion and Social Theory, Rebecca Redwood French
Section 98 and the Specialized Practice of Civil Rights Law, James A. Gardner
Southern Character, Confederate Nationalism, and the Interpretation of State Constitutions: A Case Study in Constitutional Argument, James A. Gardner
The Positivist Revolution That Wasn't: Constitutional Universalism in the States, James A. Gardner
Legal Education Then and Now: Changing Patterns in Legal Training and in the Relationship of Law Schools to the World around Them, Bob Gordon, James May, Jack Schlegel, and Joan Williams
Introduction: The First Amendment, Redeveloped, George Kannar
Preliminary Comments on Dark Numbers: Research on Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe, Isabel Marcus
Theorizing About Trial Courts: Lawyers, Policymaking, and Tobacco Litigation, Lynn Mather
Symposium Introduction: Herb Jacob's Legacy to Sociolegal Research, Lynn Mather and Roy B. Flemming
The Illusion of Efficiency in Workers' Compensation "Reform", Martha T. McCluskey
Reconstituting Haudenosaunee Law, Sovereignty, and Governance, Errol E. Meidinger
Faith and the Liberal Legal Order: An Appreciative Response to Shaffer and the Symbolism Workshop, Elizabeth B. Mensch
Looking Past the Human Rights Committee: An Argument for De-Marginalizing Enforcement, Makau wa Mutua
Capturing Volition Itself: Employee Involvement and the TEAM Act, Johanna Oreskovic
Equal Rights Advocates: Addressing the Legal Issues of Women of Color, Judy Scales-Trent
Patenting Medical and Surgical Techniques: An Ethical–Legal Analysis, Stephen E. Wear, William H. Coles, Anthony H. Szczygiel, Adrianne McEvoy, and Carl C. Pegels
Submissions from 1997
Confronting Judicial Values: Rewriting the Law of Work in a Common Law System, James Atleson
Cultural Criticism of Law, Guyora Binder and Robert Weisberg
The Faltering Search for Community in Great Lakes RAPs, Barry Boyer
Yes: Good Lawyering can Weed out Unscientific Testimony, Charles Patrick Ewing
Female Trouble: The Implications of Tort Reform for Women, Lucinda M. Finley
Liberty, Community and the Constitutional Structure of Political Influence: A Reconsideration of the Right to Vote, James A. Gardner
Freedom and Interdependence in Twentieth-Century Contract Law: Traynor and Hand and Promissory Estoppel, Alfred S. Konefsky
The Definition of Voting Stock and the Computation of Voting Power Under Sections 368(c) and 1504(a): Recent Developments and Tax Lore, Stuart G. Lazar
From "Winners and Losers" to New Authority Structures in Ecological Policy, Errol E. Meidinger
Look Who's Making the Rules: International Environmental Standard Setting by Non-Governmental Organizations, Errol E. Meidinger
Hope and Despair for a New South Africa: The Limits of Rights Discourse, Makau wa Mutua
Never Again: Questioning the Yugoslav and Rwanda Tribunals, Makau wa Mutua
Claiming Our Foremothers: The Legend of Sally Hemings and the Tasks of Black Feminist Theory, Stephanie L. Phillips
Child Care Policy and the Welfare Reform Act, Peter Pitegoff and Lauren Breen
Submissions from 1996
The Slavery of Emancipation, Guyora Binder
The Court and the Changing Constitution: A Discussion, Vincent M. Bonventre, Carl Swidorski, Barry Latzer, James A. Gardner, and Peter Galie
A Good Colleague and a Good Friend, Barry B. Boyer
A Lawyer's Education, Thomas F. Disare
Rights, Remembrance, and the Reconciliation of Difference, David M. Engel and Frank W. Munger
Sex-Blind, Separate But Equal, or Anti-Subordination? The Uneasy Legacy of Plessy v. Ferguson for Sex and Gender Discrimination, Lucinda M. Finley
Taking a Picture in Tibet: A Lawyer Doing Ethnography, Rebecca Redwood French
My Aching Heart, James A. Gardner
Shut Up and Vote: A Critique of Deliberative Democracy and the Life of Talk, James A. Gardner
The More Things Change…: Superficial State Constitutional Analysis at the New York Court of Appeals, James A. Gardner
The "States-as-Laboratories" Metaphor in State Constitutional Law, James A. Gardner
Crossing Bridges, Thomas E. Headrick
Federalizing Death, George Kannar
Avocats et divorce aux Etats-Unis: la transformation des pratiques professionnelles, Lynn M. Mather, Craig A. McEwen, and Richard J. Maiman
Images of Self and Images of Polity in the Aftermath of the Reformation, Elizabeth B. Mensch
Editor's Introduction, Makau wa Mutua
Reformulating the Discourse of the Human Rights Movement, Makau wa Mutua
The Ideology of Human Rights, Makau wa Mutua
Geographic Information Systems and Analysis: The Future of the Public Trust Doctrine, Robert I. Reis
No Lever and No Place to Stand (A Response to Christopher Shannon), John Henry Schlegel
Science Advocacy is Inevitable: Deal with It, Margaret A. Shannon, Errol E. Meidinger, and Roger N. Clark
Long Term Care Coverage: The Role of Advocacy, Anthony H. Szczygiel
Submissions from 1995
Recycling Industrial Sites in Erie County: Meeting the Challenge of Brownfield Redevelopment, Robert S. Berger, Patricia C. Campbell, James A. Crolle III, Wendy A. Marsh, Sallie Randolph, Julia A. Solo, and Hugh Stephens
Institutions and Linguistic Conventions: The Pragmatism of Lieber's Legal Hermeneutics, Guyora Binder
Transformations of Law and Place: Introduction to the Articles by Buchanan, Darian-Smith, Maurer, and Aman, David M. Engel
The Cosmology of Law in Buddhist Tibet, Rebecca Redwood French
Creating Fair and Efficient Subsidies for Home Ownership, Philip Halpern
Justice William Johnson and the History of Supreme Court Dissent, Meredith Kolsky Lewis
Editors' Introduction (Focus on the Child in International Law: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), Susan Vivian Mangold and Murray Levine
The Passenger Decides on the Destination and I Decide on the Route': Are Divorce Lawyers 'Expensive Cab Drivers'?, Lynn Mather, Richard J. Maiman, and Craig A. McEwen
Conflicting Conceptions of Human Rights: Rethinking the African Post-Colonial State, Makau wa Mutua
New Challenges to Southern Africa: From Regional Conflict to Internal Reconstruction, Makau wa Mutua
The Banjul Charter and the African Cultural Fingerprint: An Evaluation of the Language of Duties, Makau wa Mutua
The Interaction between Human Rights, Democracy and Governance and the Displacement of Populations, Makau wa Mutua
Why Redraw the Map of Africa: A Legal and Moral Inquiry, Makau wa Mutua
Law Information and Policy for Spatial Databases: A Research Agenda, Harlan J. Onsrud and Robert I. Reis
The Risk of Domestic Violence and Women with HIV Infection: Implications for Partner Notification, Public Policy, and the Law, Karen H. Rothenberg and Stephen Paskey
Domestic Violence & Partner Notification: Implications for Treatment and Counseling of Women with HIV, Karen H. Rothenberg, Stephen Paskey, Melissa M. Reuland, Sheryl Itkin Zimmerman, and Richard L. North
Damn! Langdell!, John Henry Schlegel
Law and Endangered Species: Is Survival Alone Cause for Celebration?, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1994
Law and Union Power: Thoughts on the United States and Canada, James B. Atleson
Introduction, Barry B. Boyer
Concepts of Rights: Introduction, David M. Engel
Dynastic Realms and Secular States: Introduction, David M. Engel
Teaching Legal Anthropology, Rebecca Redwood French
The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet, Rebecca Redwood French
Guilty Pleas, Meredith Kolsky Lewis