Submissions from 1986
Free Trade: Problematic Theory and Anachronistic Faith, Lee A. Albert
Angels and Infidels: Hierarchy and Historicism in Medieval Legal History, Guyora Binder
Transcending Equality Theory: A Way Out of the Maternity and the Workplace Debate, Lucinda M. Finley
An Endangered Species?, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1985
Obscenities in the Workplace: A Comment on Foul and Fair Expression and Status Relationships, James B. Atleson
Reflections on Labor, Power, and Society, James B. Atleson
The Circle of Boys Market: A Comment on Judicial Inventiveness, James B. Atleson
The Implicit Assumptions of Labor Law Scholarship—Making Sense of the Last Fifty Secondary Boycott Decisions, or How I Spent My Summer Vacations, James B. Atleson
The Dialectic of Duplicity: Treaty Conflict and Political Contradiction, Guyora Binder
Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, Barry Boyer and Errol Meidinger
A Tribute to Thomas Headrick, Charles S. Desmond, John Henry Schlegel, Robert Schaus, and William R. Greiner
Feminist Discourse, Moral Values, and the Law—A Conversation, Ellen C. Dubois, Mary C. Dunlap, Carol J. Gilligan, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Isabel Marcus, and Paul J. Spiegelman
Schall v. Martin: Preventive Detention and Dangerousness through the Looking Glass, Charles Patrick Ewing
Sex, Power and Silliness: An Essay on Ackerman's Reconstructing American Law, Alan David Freeman and John Henry Schlegel
A Tribute to Milton Kaplan: Six Essays, Thomas E. Headrick, J. D. Hyman, Sol M. Linowitz, James Magavern, Robert Reis, and William R. Greiner
On Explaining the Development of 'Emissions Trading' in U.S. Air Pollution Regulation, Errol E. Meidinger
Between the Harvard Founders and the American Legal Realists: The Professionalization of the American Law Professor, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1984
The Psychiatric Expert as Due Process Decisionmaker, Robert S. Berger
Mobilizing Friends and Foes in Administrative Proceedings, Bliss C. Cartwright and Barry B. Boyer
The Oven Bird's Song: Insiders, Outsiders, and Personal Injuries in an American Community, David M. Engel
Mapping Difficult Terrain: "Legal Culture," "Legal Consciousness," and other Hazards for the Intrepid Explorer, David M. Engel and Barbara Yngvesson
Protecting the Rationality of Electoral Outcomes: A Challenge to First Amendment Doctrine, James A. Gardner
Double Benefits and Transactional Consistency Under the Tax Benefit Rule, Kenneth F. Joyce and Louis A. Del Cotto
Judges and Statutes: Essays on Agent Orange, Janet S. Lindgren
Comparable Worth: Is This a Theory for Black Workers?, Judy Scales-Trent
An Irrelevancy, Perhaps, John Henry Schlegel
Critical Legal Studies: An Afterword, John Henry Schlegel
Notes Toward an Intimate, Opinionated, and Affectionate History of the Conference on Critical Legal Studies, John Henry Schlegel
Searching for Archimedes—Legal Education, Legal Scholarship, and Liberal Ideology, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1983
Management Prerogatives, Plant Closings and the NLRA, James B. Atleson
Interest-Free Loans and Dickman v. Commissioner: A Letter to the Supreme Court, Louis A. Del Cotto and Kenneth F. Joyce
Cases, Conflict, and Accommodation: Patterns of Legal Interaction in an American Community, David M. Engel
"Dr. Death" and the Case for an Ethical Ban on Psychiatric and Psychological Predictions of Dangerousness in Capital Sentencing Proceedings, Charles Patrick Ewing
Government Intrusion into the Attorney-Client Relationship: An Interest Analysis of Rights and Remedies, Philip Halpern
Beyond Cases: Reconsidering Judicial Review, Janet S. Lindgren
Submissions from 1982
The Mandamus Power of the United States Courts of Appeals: A Complex and Confused Means of Appellate Control, Robert S. Berger
The Constitutionality of the Bankruptcy Court, Lucinda M. Finley
Federal Habeas Corpus and the Mapp Exclusionary Rule After Stone v. Powell, Philip Halpern
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: Histories of American Law Schools, Alfred S. Konefsky and John Henry Schlegel
Conclusion: The Mobilizing Potential of Class Actions, Lynn Mather
The Colonial Origins of Liberal Property Rights, Elizabeth V. Mensch
Judicial Proposals to Limit the Jurisdictional Scope of Federal Post-Conviction Habeas Corpus Consideration of the Claims of State Prisoners, R. Nils Olsen Jr.
Submissions from 1981
Funding Public Participation in Agency Proceedings: The Federal Trade Commission Experience, Barry B. Boyer
Jack Hyman: Comments and Review, Thomas E. Headrick
Men of Great and Little Faith: Generations of Constitutional Scholars, Alfred S. Konefsky
In Memoriam: The Intellectual Legacy of Lon Fuller, Alfred S. Konefsky, Elizabeth B. Mensch, and John Henry Schlegel
Language, Audience, and the Transformation of Disputes, Lynn M. Mather and Barbara Yngvesson
Sexual Harassment and Race: A Legal Analysis of Discrimination, Judy Scales-Trent
The Reach of the Mind, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1980
Affirmative Action in Recessionary Periods: The Legal Strictures, Leroy D. Clark and Judy Scales-Trent
Legal Pluralism in an American Community: Perspectives on a Civil Trial Court, David M. Engel
Article III Limits on Article I Courts: The Constitutionality of the Bankruptcy Court and the 1979 Magistrates Act, Lucinda M. Finley
David R. Kochery: In Memorium, Thomas E. Headrick
Interest-Free Loans: The Odyssey of a Misnomer, Kenneth F. Joyce and Louis A. Del Cotto
The "Public Uses" of Eminent Domain: History and Policy, Errol E. Meidinger
Social Impact Assessment as Evaluation Research: Claimants and Claims, Errol E. Meidinger and Allan Schnaiberg
American Legal Realism and Empirical Social Science: The Singular Case of Underhill Moore, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1979
Inherited Excess Mortgage Property: Death and the Inherited Tax Shelter, Louis A. Del Cotto and Kenneth F. Joyce
Civil Cases and Society: Process and Order in the Civil Justice System, David M. Engel and Eric H. Steele
A Tribute to a Great Teacher, Thomas E. Headrick
Social Theory and Judicial Choice: Damages and Federal Statutes, Janet S. Lindgren
Comments on the History of Plea Bargaining, Lynn M. Mather
American Legal Realism and Empirical Social Science: From the Yale Experience, John Henry Schlegel
Introduction, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1978
State Restrictions on Medicaid Coverage of Medically Necessary Services, Lucinda M. Finley
Submissions from 1977
Justiciability and Theories of Judicial Review: A Remote Relationship, Lee A. Albert
The Standardization of Lawyers' Services, David M. Engel
Government and Education: The University as a Regulated Industry, Ernest Gellhorn and Barry B. Boyer
A Tribute to Adolf Homburger, Jacob D. Hyman, Charles S. Desmond, Mauro Cappelletti, Mary Kay Kane, Charles D. Breitel, and Thomas E. Headrick
Bar Polls: What They Measure, What They Miss, Errol E. Meidinger
Submissions from 1976
The AB (ABC) and BA Transactions: An Economic and Tax Analysis of Reserved and Carved Out Income Interests, Kenneth F. Joyce and Louis A. Del Cotto
Lawyers' Papers as a Source of Legal History: The 19th Century, Alfred S. Konefsky
A Brief Inquiry into the Imperatives of the Coastal Zone and the Processes of Institutional Change . . . ., Robert I. Reis
Submissions from 1975
Threats to Health and Safety: Employee Self-Help Under the NLRA, James B. Atleson
Computerized Medical Records and the Right to Privacy: The Emerging Federal Response, Barry B. Boyer
Submissions from 1974
Standing to Challenge Administrative Action: An Inadequate Surrogate for Claim for Relief, Lee A. Albert
Enforcing Subpoenas Against the President: The Question of Mr. Jaworski’s Authority, Lee A. Albert and Larry G. Simon
American Legal Education: An Agenda for Research and Reform, Barry B. Boyer and Roger C. Cramton
Developments in Prison Law: Procedural Safeguards in Prison Disciplinary Hearings, Rebecca Redwood French
Residential Property Assessments in the City of Buffalo: A Study of the Use of Administrative Discretion, George M. Hezel
Some Determinants of the Method of Case Disposition: Decision-Making by Public Defenders in Los Angeles, Lynn M. Mather
Submissions from 1973
Work Group Behavior and Wildcat Strikes: The Causes and Functions of Industrial Civil Disobedience, James B. Atleson
Submissions from 1972
Citizen Suits in the Environmental Field: Peril or Promise?, Barry B. Boyer and Roger C. Cramton
Conspiracy and the First Amendment, David B. Filvaroff
The Influence of Bentham's Philosophy of Law on the Early Nineteenth Century Codification Movement in the United States, George M. Hezel
Environmental Activism: Thermal Pollution—AEC and State Jurisdictional Considerations, Robert I. Reis
Submissions from 1971
Disciplinary Discharges, Arbitration and NLRB Deference, James B. Atleson
Submissions from 1970
Union Fines and Picket Lines: The NLRA and Union Disciplinary Power, James B. Atleson
Workmen's Compensation: Third Party Actions and the Apportionment of Attorney's Fees, James B. Atleson
Some Speculation About Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning, Bruce G. Buchanan and Thomas E. Headrick
The Changing Structure of Education at Stanford Law School, Thomas Ehrlich and Thomas E. Headrick
Liability without Fault: Logic and Potential of a Developing Concept, Janet S. Lindgren
The Logic of Conspiracy—United States v. Spock, 416 F.2d 165 (1969)., Janet S. Lindgren
George Lefcoe, Land Finance Law: A Symposium Review, Robert I. Reis
Submissions from 1969
Of Nuts and Ships and Sealing Wax, Suez and Frustrating Things, John Henry Schlegel
Submissions from 1968
Taxation of the Trust Annuity: The Unitrust Under the Constitution and the Internal Revenue Code, Louis A. Del Cotto and Kenneth F. Joyce
The Income Taxation of the Capital Gains of a Trust, Kenneth F. Joyce
Submissions from 1967
A Union Member's Right of Free Speech and Assembly: Institutional Interests and Individual Rights, James B. Atleson