Content Posted in 2022
2022–2023 Board of Editors, Buffalo Law Review
Academic Brands and Cognitive Dissonance, Mark Bartholomew
A Comparison of Child Advocacy Laws in Abuse and Neglect Cases in England and the United States, Pamela Newell
A Crime to Live Without Work: Free Labor and Marginal Workers in Industrial Chicago, 1870-1920, Joel E. Black
Adirondack Land Use Under the “Forever Wild” Clause After Protect!, Todd Thomas
A Historical Overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Pamela Newell
AI, on the Law of the Elephant: Toward Understanding Artificial Intelligence, Emile Loza de Siles
Amazon as a Seller of Marketplace Goods Under Article 2, Tanya J. Monestier
Ambigüedades y Vaguedades en el Derecho Administrativo Puertorriqueño [Ambiguities and Vagueness in Puerto Rican Administrative Law], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Análisis de Legislación: Educación, Juventud y Deportes (2018) [Analysis of the Legislative Term: Education, Youth and Sports (2018)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
An Ethical Gap in Agency Adjudication, Louis J. Virelli III
Antitrust Class Actions in the Wake of Procedural Reform, Christine P. Bartholomew
A Nun, a Synagogue Janitor, and a Social Work Professor Walk Up to the Bar: The Expanding Ministerial Exception, Patrick Hornbeck
A “Real and Substantial” Improvement? Van Breda Reformulates the Law of Jurisdiction in Ontario, Tanya J. Monestier
A “Real and Substantial” Mess: The Law of Jurisdiction in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
A “Real and Substantial” Mess: The Law of Jurisdiction in Canada, Tanya Monestier
A Silent Struggle: Constitutional Violations Against the Hearing Impaired in New York State Prisons, Farina Barth
A Survey of Comparative Methodologies: The Constant Presence and Silent Rise of Intent and History in Constitutional Adjudication, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
A Theory of African-American Citizenship: Richard Westbrooks, The Great Migration, and the Chicago Defender's "Legal Helps" Column, Joel E. Black
A Win-Win Proposition: The Viability of a Rule 23(B)(1)(b) Class Action in the American Mass Tort Context, Tanya J. Monestier
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Can Liberal Constitutionalism Survive the Rise of the Megacity?, James A. Gardner
Capítulo decimoquinto. El Acuerdo Integral sobre Economía y Comercio (CETA) [Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (CETA)], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Laura Sofía Guevara Espitia
Citizen Kane: The Everyday Ordeals and Self-Fashioned Citizenship of Wisconsin’s ‘Lady Lawyer’, Joel E. Black
Climate Change and Causation: Joining Law and Climate Science on the Basis of Formal Logic, Petra Minnerop and Friederike Otto
Clouded Precedent: Tandon v. Newsom and its Implications for the Shadow Docket, Alexander Gouzoules
Coal Shines a Light on the Need for a Just Energy Transition in the United States, Patrick R. Baker and Blake Tims
Cómo Cambiar Nuestra Ley Suprema: Un Análisis del Artículo VII de la Constitución de Puerto Rico [How to Change Our Supreme Law: An Analysis of Article VII of the Constitution of Puerto Rico], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Comparative Election Law, James A. Gardner
Comparing Colonial Water Legacies: Flow and Stagnation in Legal Development, Erum Sattar
Conceptual Jurisprudence: Methodological Issues, Classical Questions, and New Approaches, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Gonzalo Villa Rosas
Conference Organizers' Information, Looking Back, Moving Forward Conference
Constitutional Courts as Majoritarian Instruments, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Constitutionally Required Judicial Activism: Re-Examining the Role of Courts in Modern Constitutional Adjudication, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Contract of Waste Disposal Between New York City & Covanta, New York City and Covanta
Copyright and the Creative Process, Mark Bartholomew
Corporate Directors: Who They Are, What They Do, Cyber Risk and Other Challenges, Lawrence J. Trautman, Seletha Butler, Frederick R. Chang, Michele Hooper, Rom McCray, and Ruth Simmons
Cover, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Cover, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Cover, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Criminal Evidence: Critical Readings, Pamela Newell
Cualquier Persona: La Facultad Plenaria de la Asamblea Legislativa Para Otorgar Legitimación Activa por la Vía Estatutaria [Any Person: The Legislative Assembly’s Plenary Power to Grant Statutory Standing], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Curious In-Laws: The Legal Connections Between Montana and Puerto Rico, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Damages for Breach of a Forum Selection Clause, Tanya J. Monestier
David Herzberg discusses repeated waves of addiction to pharmaceutical opioids and other medicines in the U.S., David Herzberg
Defunding Police Agencies, Rick Su, Anthony O'Rourke, and Guyora Binder
Derecho Constitucional [2010-2011 Puerto Rico Supreme Court Term Analysis: Constitutional Law], Efrén Rivera-Ramos and Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Derecho Constitucional [2015-2016 Puerto Rico Supreme Court Term Analysis: Constitutional Law], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Derecho Constitucional [2016-2017 Puerto Rico Supreme Court Term Analysis: Constitutional Law], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Developing Police, Madalyn K. Wasilczuk
Devonya Havis discusses the nature of truth and community practices for resistance, Devonya Harris
Does Houchins v. KQED, Inc. Matter?, Matthew L. Schafer
El Acoso Laboral en Puerto Rio y la Búsqueda de un Remedio Legislativo [Mobbing in Puerto Rico and the Search for a Legislative Remedy], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
El Derecho Constitucional a un Salario Mínimo Razonable [The Constitutional Right to a Reasonable Minimum Wage], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
El dilema democrático de la refrendación directa de los acuerdos de paz [The Democratic Dilemma of the Popular Ratification of Peace Agreements], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
El Discrimen en el Empleo Por Razón de Edad y las Personas Mayores de 65 Años de Edad [Age Discrimination in the Workplace and Persons Over 65 Years of Age], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Electoral Systems and Conceptions of Politics, James A. Gardner
El Uso de Fuentes Transnacionales en el Derecho Puertorriqueño (Parte I) [The Uses of Transnational Sources in Puerto Rican Law (Part I)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós and Gabriela Rivera Vega
A Consumers’ Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Cold War America by Lizabeth Cohen, Joel E. Black
Child Labor in America: A History by Chaim M. Rosenberg, Joel E. Black
Cross-Border Torts, Canadian-U.S. Litigation Strategies, by Wyatt Pickett, Tanya J. Monestier
Freedom Struggles: African Americans and World War One by Adriane Lentz-Smith, Joel E. Black
Looking South: Race, Gender, and the Transformation of Labor from Reconstruction to Globalization by Mary E. Frederickson, Joel E. Black
Enciclopedia de filosofía y teoría del derecho [Encyclopedia of Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Alvaro Núñez Vaquero
Enciclopedia de filosofía y teoría del derecho Volúmen 2 [Encyclopedia of Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory, Volume 2], Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco and Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Enciclopedia de filosofía y teoría del derecho Volúmen 3 [Encyclopedia of Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory, Volume 3], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Ezequiel Spector
Estado del arte de la filosofía de la responsabilidad extracontractual [Introductory Study: State of Art of Philosophy of Tort Law], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Evgeny Pashukanis’ Commodity-Form Theory of Law, Matthew Dimick
Executive Order 12898, William J. Clinton
Executive Order 13990: Protecting Public Health and the Environment and RestoringScience To Tackle the Climate Crisis, Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Faculty and Board of Editors, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Faculty and Board of Editors, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Faculty and Board of Editors, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Federalism and the Limits of Subnational Political Heterogeneity, James A. Gardner
Ferlinghetti on Trial: The Howl Court Case and Juvenile Delinquency, Joel E. Black
Filosofía de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual [Philosophy of Tort Law], Carlos L. Bernal Pulido and Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Filosofía de la responsabilidad extracontractual: un llamado al debate [Philosophy of Tort Law], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Filosofía del Derecho Constitucional: Cuestiones Fundamentales, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Leonardo García Jaramillo
Filosofía del Derecho Constitucional: Cuestiones Fundamentales [Philosophy of Constitutional Law], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Leonardo García Jaramillo
Fixer Upper: Buyer Deposits in Residential Real Estate Transactions, Tanya J. Monestier
Focusing Presidential Clemency Decision-Making, Paul J. Larkin Jr.
Ford's Underlying Controversy, Christine P. Bartholomew and Anya Bernstein
Foreign Judgments at Common Law: Rethinking the Enforcement Rules, Tanya J. Monestier
Forum Selection Clauses and Consumer Contracts in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
Fuerza Persuasiva: Los Usos Potenciales de las Decisiones del Tribunal de Apelaciones en Nuestro Sistema Jurídico [Persuasive Force: Potential Uses for the Decisions of the Court of Appeals in Our Legal System], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Funding Crises: An Empirical Study of the Paycheck Protection Program, William A. Birdthistle and Joshua Silver
Generic Ab Initio, James A. Heilpern, Earl Kjar Brown, William G. Eggington, and Zachary D. Smith
Governor Northam’s Executive Order 43: One Stone and Two Birds for Virginia Energy Policy, Antonia M. Douglas
Growing Up Marshall: Life, Legacy & Lessons Learned, John W. Marshall
Helen Drew and Marissa Egloff discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion in major sports leagues, Helen Drew and Marissa Egloff
How Existing Securities Law Authorizes the SEC to Mandate and Regulate Sustainability Reporting, Kenya Rothstein
Igual Trato por Igual Trabajo: Las Clasificaciones Laborales Irracionales y el Trato Desigual en el Empleo Privado [Equal Treatment for Equal Work: Irrational Employment Classifications and Unequal Treatment in the Private Workplace], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Integrating Social Justice Theory into Engineering Practice, Letitia Thomas
Intellectual Property and the Brain: How Neuroscience Will Reshape Legal Protection for Creations of the Mind, Mark Bartholomew
Interpretación Liberal: Las Presunciones Probatorias en la Legislación Protectora del Trabajo [Liberal Interpretation: Evidentiary Presumptions in Employment Law], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Introduction, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora and Gonzalo Villa Rosas
Introduction, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora, Andrés Molina-Ochoa, and Nancy C. Doubleday
Introduction, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Is Canada the New Shangri-La of Global Securities Class Actions?, Tanya J. Monestier
John Henry Schlegel and David A. Westbrook discuss “the adventure of thinking”, John Henry Schlegel and David A. Westbrook
Jordan Fox Besek on climate change and life finding a way, Jordan Fox Besek
Judicial Populism, Anya Bernstein and Glen Staszewski
Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Tanya J. Monestier
Jurisprudence in a Globalized World, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos (2016-2017) [The U.S. Supreme Court Term (2016-2017)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos (2017-2018) [The U.S. Supreme Court Term (2017-2018)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos (2018-2019) [The U.S. Supreme Court Term (2018-2019)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos (2019-2020) [The U.S. Supreme Court Term (2019-2020)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos [Term Analysis: Supreme Court of the United States (2015-2016)], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Just a "Planning Rule": Enforcing the Duty to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, Heather R. Abraham, Jason Knight, Russell Weaver, and Christopher Holtkamp
La Doctrina de Stare Decisis en Puerto Rico [The Doctrine of Stare Decisis in Puerto Rico], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
La Excepción a la Obligación de Arbitrar en el Contexto Obrero-Patronal: De Excepción Específica a Doctrina Comprehensiva [The Exception to the Duty to Arbitrate in the Labor Context: From Specific Exception to Comprehensive Doctrine], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
La Justicia como Derecho: Un Reconocimiento al Juez Asociado Jaime B. Fuster Berlingeri [Justice as Law: a Tribute to Associate Justice Jaime B. Fuster Berlingeri], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Lake Erie Bill of Rights Struck Down: Why the Rights of Nature Movement Is a Nonviable Legislative Strategy for Municipalities Plagued by Pollution, Kathleen M. Mannard
La Ley Contra el Acecho en Puerto Rico: Apuntes Iniciales [The Puerto Rican Statute Against Stalking: Initial Remarks], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
La Presunción de Despido Injustificado y la Ley Núm. 4-2017 [The Unjust Dismissal Presumption and Act No. 4-2017], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Las Órdenes Ejecutivas, el Poder Legislativo y las Emergencias [Executive Orders, Legislative Power and Emergencies], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Las transformaciones del derecho en la globalización [Law’s Transformation in Globalization], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
La Veda Electoral [The Electoral Ban], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Legal Fictions: Constituting Race, Composing Literature and Literary Obscenities: U.S. Case Law and Naturalism after Modernism, Guyora Binder
Legal Positivism as a Theory of Law’s Existence: A Comment on Margaret Martin’s "Judging Positivism", Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Lépine v. Canada Post: Ironing Out the Wrinkles in the Inter-provincial Enforcement of Class Judgments, Tanya J. Monestier
Life and Afterlife in the Steel Seizure Case, Matthew Steilen
Looking Beyond the Negative-Positive Rights Distinction: Analyzing Constitutional Rights According to their Nature, Effect and Reach, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Looking for the Correct Tool for the Job: Methodological Models of Constitutional Interpretation and Adjudication, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
“Los Poderes de la Asamblea Legislativa para Enfrentar una Emergencia [The Powers of the Legislative Assembly During Emergencies], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Los tres modelos para la indemnización a las víctimas del con icto armado interno en Colombia [Three Models of Reparations for Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict in Colombian Law], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Los Usos de la Doctrina De Minimis en Puerto Rico [Uses for the De Minimis Doctrine in Puerto Rico], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Mapping Racial Capitalism: Implications for Law, Carmen G. Gonzalez and Athena D. Mutua
Measuring Judicial Collegiality Through Dissent, Jonathan Remy Nash
Medical and Recreational Cannabis Laws are being passed even though we do not know much about its effects, R. Lorraine Collins
Mildred Pabón Charneco y su Metodología Adjudicativa: Texto Legal y Valores Jurídicos [Justice Mildred Pabón Charneco and her Adjudicative Methodology: Statutory Text and Legal Values], Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Misappropriation Theory: How the World’s Two Largest Economies Regulate Insider Trading, Thomas Hare
Monuments to the Enslaved, Carole Emberton
Motions, Appeals, and Other Procedural Tools for GAL Representation, Pamela Newell
Muddying the Waters: The Need for More Clarity Under the Clean Water Act, Georgia D. Reid
Neither Trumps nor Interests: Rights, Pluralism, and the Recovery of Constitutional Judgment of Constitutional Judgment, Paul Linden-Retek
North Carolina Appellate Law: A Guide to the North Carolina Appellate Rule, Pamela Newell
Nothing Comes of Nothing… Or Does it? A Critical Re-Examination of the Doctrine of Separability in American Arbitration, Tanya J. Monestier
Objectivity in Jurisprudence, Legal Interpretation and Practical Reasoning, Gonzalo Villa-Rosas and Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
One Small Step for Wisconsin, One Giant Leap Backwards for the Remaining Transgender Inmates, Pamela Newell
Original Explication: A Democratic Model for the Interpretation of Modern State Constitutions, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Originalism in Puerto Rico: Original Explication and its Relation with Clear Text, Broad Purpose and Progressive Policy, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Pain Is Enough: Chronic Pain as Disability, Katherine L. Moore
Panelist Information, Looking Back, Moving Forward Conference
Personal Jurisdiction Over Non-Resident Class Members: Have We Gone Down the Wrong Road?, Tanya J. Monestier
Planning for the Social City?, Joel E. Black
Police Killings as Felony Murder, Guyora Binder and Ekow Yankah
Post-Liberal Constitutionalism, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Practical Alternatives to the Rule of Joint and Several Liability: Regulatory Negligence as a Case Study, Boaz Segal
Principios, Moral y Positivismo Jurídico: Respuestas y Redefinición del Positivismo Contemporáneo [Principles, Morality and Legal Positivism], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Protecting Our Spaces of Memory: Rediscovering the Seneca Nation Settlement Act Through Archives, Rebecca Chapman
Reading Section 230, Shlomo Klapper
Reauthorizing SCHIP: Only a Starting Point, Pamela Newell
Reforming Local Property for an Era of National Decline, Daniel B. Rosenbaum
Registration Statutes, General Jurisdiction, and the Fallacy of Consent, Tanya J. Monestier
Resources, Looking Back, Moving Forward Conference
Resources, Looking Back, Moving Forward Conference
Resources, Looking Back, Moving Forward Conference
Review of Philosophical Foundations of Labour Law, edited by Hugh Collins, Gillian Lester, and Virginia Mantouvalou, Matthew Dimick
‘Safe third countries’ and our obligations to others, Paul Linden-Retek
Samantha Barbas discusses her new book The Rise and Fall of Morris Ernst: Free Speech Renegade, Samantha Barbas
Sandoval v. Hagan, United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Segregation Autopilot: How the Government Perpetuates Segregation and How to Stop It, Heather R. Abraham
Social Planning in a Physical World, Joel E. Black and Ruth L. Steiner
South Africa’s Forward-Looking Constitutional Revolution and the Role of Courts in Achieving Substantive Constitutional Goals, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Space and Status in Chicago's Legal Landscapes, Joel E. Black
Standing for Democracy: Is Democracy a Procedural Right in Vacuo? A Democratic Perspective on Procedural Violations as a Basis for Article III Standing, Helen Hershkoff and Stephen Loffredo
Statutory Interpretation and Chevron Deference in the Appellate Courts: An Empirical Analysis, Amy Semet
Structuring Poverty in the Windy City: Autonomy, Virtue, and Isolation in Post-Fire Chicago, Joel E. Black
Swimming with Broad Strokes: Publishing and Presenting Beyond the LW Discipline, Robin Boyle-Laisure and Stephen Paskey
Table of Contents, Buffalo Law Review
Table of Contents, Buffalo Law Review
Table of Contents, Buffalo Law Review
Table of Contents, Buffalo Law Review
Table of Contents, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Table of Contents, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Table of Contents, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Table of Contents, Buffalo Law Review
The Betrayal of the Red, White & Blue: The Failures of Institutional Self-Regulation & The Military’s #MeToo Movement, Kristen M. Stone
The Colombian Peace Agreement: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora, Andrés Molina-Ochoa, and Nancy C. Doubleday
The Committee of Style and the Federalist Constitution, David S. Schwartz
The Complexities of Conscience: Reconciling Death Penalty L aw with Capital Jurors’ Concerns, Meredith Martin Rountree and Mary R. Rose
The Conceptual Problems Arising from Legal Pluralism, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
The Constitution is Dead, Long Live the Constitution! The Creation, Endurance and Modification of Modern Revolutionary Constitutions, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The Dormant Commerce Clause and a Public Economy: Lessons for Puerto Rico, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The fraud of John Locke: subnational challenges to democratic theory, Makau wa Mutua
The Future of the Habitual Residence Analysis in the United States Post-Monasky, Katherine A. Fleming
The Illiberalization of American Election Law: A Study in Democratic Deconsolidation, James A. Gardner
The Irrepressible Myth of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Josh Blackman
The Journey to Excellence in Legal Writing, Pamela Newell and Timothy J. Peterkin
The Limitless Nature of the Constituent Power and its Relation to Constitutionalism, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The Mindful Lawyer, Catherine Cook-Cottone
The ‘New’ Insular Cases and the Territorial Clause: From Temporary Incorporation to Permanent Unincorporation, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The ‘New Originalism’ and Statutory Interpretation, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The Ostensible (and, at Times, Actual) Virtue of Deference, Anthony O'Rourke
The Paradoxes of Precarity: Buffalo Refugees Reconsidered, Arabella Lyon
The Presidential Coup, Anthony J. Ghiotto
The Principle of Party Presentation, Jeffrey M. Anderson
The Role of International Law in the Food–Energy–Water Nexus, Waseem Ahmad Qureshi
The Search for a Wrongful Dismissal Statute: A Look at Puerto Rico’s Act No. 80 as a Potential Starting Point, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
The theoretical puzzles of non-state legal phenomena, Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Transcript, Zulene Mayfield, Louis Morse, Sheila Foster, Michael Churchill, Gilbert Carrasco, and Mike Ewall
Transcript, Zulene Mayfield, Will Jones, Tyler White, Chantal Reyes, Maria Lopez-Nuñez, and Steph Tai
Transcript, Zulene Mayfield, Carol Kazeem, Kearni Warren, Kyle Powis Whyte, Ana Baptista, Jacqui Patterson, and Dorcas Gilmore
Transnational Class Actions and the Illusory Search for Res Judicata, Tanya J. Monestier
Una nota sobre neoconstitucionalismo [A Note on 'New Constitutionalism'], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Unauthorized Tax Elections, Jay A. Soled
Una visita al debate Hart-Dworkin [Revisiting the Hart–Dworkin Debate], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
Understanding Criminal Procedure, Pamela Newell
Video, Zulene Mayfield, Louis Morse, Sheila Foster, Michael Churchill, Gilbert Carrasco, and Mike Ewall
Video, Zulene Mayfield, Will Jones, Tyler White, Chantal Reyes, Maria Lopez-Nuñez, and Steph Tai
Video, Zulene Mayfield, Carol Kazeem, Kearni Warren, Kyle Powis Whyte, Ana Baptista, Jacqui Patterson, and Dorcas Gilmore
Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld: On the Difficulty of Becoming a Law Professor, John Henry Schlegel
When Forum Selection Clauses Meet Choice of Law Clauses, Tanya J. Monestier
When Social History Becomes a Constitution: The Bolivian Post-Liberal Experiment and the Central Role of History and Intent in Constitutional Adjudication, Jorge M. Farinacci Fernós
Where is Home Depot “At Home”? Daimler v. Bauman and the End of Doing Business Jurisdiction, Tanya J. Monestier
While Waiting for Rain: Community, Economy, and Law in a Time of Change, John Henry Schlegel
Whose Law of Personal Jurisdiction? The Choice of Law Problem in the Recognition of Foreign Judgments, Tanya J. Monestier
Why are so many political leaders unethical and what can we do about it?, G. James Lemoine
Why is it so difficult to ensure equality of access to public toilets for all?, Ed Steinfeld
Wilfrid J. Waluchow: el positivismo incluyente y el constitucionalismo del “árbol vivo” [Wilfrid J. Waluchow: Inclusive Legal Positivism and the Understanding of Constitutionalism in The Living Three], Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
William Beinart, Peter Delius and Michelle Hay, Rights to Land: a guide to tenure upgrading and restitution in South Africa (book review), Mekkonen Firew Ayano
Workplace Anonymity, Jayne S. Ressler
You Need to Calm Down: Examining the Origin and Eliminating the Future of the “Gay Panic” Defense, Laura R. Conboy
You’re It! Tag Jurisdiction Over Corporations in Canada, Tanya J. Monestier
人权标准:霸权法律和政治 (translation of Human Rights Standards: Hegemony, Law, and Politics), Makau wa Mutua